Do It Yourself Doggie Detail offers a diverse range of exclusive services and solutions at affordable prices. We pride ourselves on providing high quality services and offer a quality guarantee on all items. As well as offering both SELF SERVICE and FULL SERVICE grooming we offer other services such as nail trims and gland expression. When you come to groom your pet, you'll see, we are also available to lend advice pertaining to any grooming questions from ear cleaning to face trimming. Small or large, your request will be met with expert advice, individualized attention, and innovative solutions. Contact us and discover all we have to offer. Our staff is looking forward to speaking with you.
Base Prices: Base prices include bath, tap shampoos, drying, & grooming time and supplies. (Does not include electric clippers)
On tap, we have three shampoos and one conditioner. Other products are available upon request; some at an extra charge. Our taps include:
Mini Pet $14.00...
Small Pet $15.00...
Medium Pet $16.00...
Large Pet $18.00...
X-Large Pet $20.00...
Additional Services: The additional charges are added tools and services we provide. The price is added to that of the base bathing price
Electric Clippers +$6.00
Nail Trim +$5.00
Stand-Alone Services: Prices for individual services, employee assisted. Stand alone services do not include bath.
Nail Trim $12.00
Express Glands $15.00
Electric Clipper Rentals:
Mini Pet $16.00
Small Pet $17.00
Medium Pet $18.00
Large Pet $20.00